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Aluminum extrusion profiles have widespread applications across industries like construction, electronics, lighting, healthcare, etc. They are gaining popularity for their endurance, strength, and lightweight nature. However, have you ever wondered about the process of aluminum extrusion? Yes. Aluminum extrusion results from an organized step-by-step process. As one of the leading aluminum extrusion manufacturers in India, Gloria overviews the process in this blog.

What is Aluminum Extrusion?

It involves forcing aluminum alloy material into a die with a predetermined cross-sectional shape. Aluminum has a specific ram that pushes it through the die and exits from the die aperture. Accordingly, aluminum emerges in the form of the die and gets hauled off along a runout table during the process. However, what exactly happens during the extrusion process? Let’s see.

Aluminum Extrusion Process

Extruding aluminum through an aluminum extrusion company involves the following ten steps to achieve a reliable outcome.

Creating a round-shaped die is the first step. Preheat the die to about 400-500 degrees Celsius to ensure even metal flow and maximize the die’s life. After preheating, you can load the die into the extrusion press.

The billet is a thick cylindrical block of aluminum alloy. You must cut it from an elongated material log. After that, preheat it in an oven to 400-500 degrees Celsius. It increases the billet’s malleability to perform the process and helps ensure it isn’t molten.

After the above, transfer the billet into the press mechanically. But you must add a lubricant before you load it into the press. You must also apply the release agent to the extrusion ram to prevent the ram and billet from sticking.

By now, the malleable billet will be in the extrusion press. At this stage, the hydraulic ram applies a pressure of approximately 15,000 tons that pushes the malleable billet into the container. Later, the aluminum materials expand to the walls of the press container.

Once the billet fills the container walls, it presses against the extrusion die. At this stage, continuous pressure is applied to the material. Hence, the only direction it has is towards the die openings, from which, it comes out fully formed.

After emerging, the puller holds the extrusion and protects it as it comes out from the press. While the alloy moves along the table, the profile cools uniformly. 

Once the extrusion achieves full table length, it is sheared with a hot saw.

After shearing, the extrusions are moved to a cooling plain from the runout table. They stay there until they reach room temperature. After that, they stretch. 

During this stage, you will observe some shape twists. To correct them, you will need a stretcher. While doing that, you must hold each profile mechanically on both ends and pull them until fully straight. 

Once straight and hardened, you can transfer the extrusion to a saw table and cut them to specific lengths. After you do that, you can shift them to an oven for aging to the appropriate temper – T5 or T6.

Upon completing the above steps, you can conduct secondary operations like heat treatment, fabrication, and surface finishing.

Procure High-Quality Extruded Aluminum with Gloria – Reliable Aluminum Extrusion Suppliers

We hope the above helped you get a basic overview of the aluminum extrusion process. Choose us if you are looking for superior aluminum extrusions for your application. Our reputation, track record, and commitment to excellence make us one of the best aluminum extrusion manufacturers in Pune. Call us at +91 98508 21784 to explore more about our solutions.

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